Writing A Blog On Fitnrg.com

. Learn how to write and maintain a fitness and weight loss blog at fitnrg. com

1) First you must register for a free account at http: // www. fitnrg. com / register. php


2) After quick registration is completed you can log into your account and access all calorie counter diet tracking and blogging features.

3) To write a blog you will see a link titled "My FitNRG"-clicking on this link will take you to your personal blog where you can write about anything you want.

As you can see in the picture above this page allows you to write your own blog and categorize your blog posts in different categories that you select. Give your blog a title write about what you want and add / select a category in the "Categories" box on the right side and you're good to go!
To add a new category just type in a category name in the box and click "Add" and it will show up in the box. Click the box to select the category (you can select multiple categories) where your blog will be placed.

If you write a long blog post you may want to periodically save your blog by clicking "Save and Continue Editing" -this will prevent you from losing your work. When you have finished writing your blog click "Publish" to add your blog to FitNRG society.

Tips and Warnings

Free registration is required to blog and access to other calorie counting and fitness tracking website. c0tBTXVli5

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